Why Kristy Adams?

Kristy Adams says “I am passionate that all taxpayers get good value for money, with efficient services providing the best care for all. As a successful businesswoman I am keen to bring my skills into the public sector. I want to make laws that create a fair and safer country.”

“I believe my business skills and creative thinking can make significant contribution towards achieving the Conservative agenda to secure Britain’s future.”

Kristy has proved to be a hard-working campaigner, both on the doorstep and networking within the community. Securing better education for all children inspired Kristy to get involved with politics, she has experience of leading leaders, overseeing projects in both local government and business. After hearing a lecture by Ben Cooley from Hope for Justice Kristy took the initiative to create partnerships with police and voluntary groups to raise awareness of the crime of modern slavery, and help victims. Leading training conferences and recently working with a team delivering a garden highlighting the issue of modern slavery at the Chelsea Flower Show.

Kristy says, "My Mum was an A&E sister at Cuckfield and the Princess Royal hospitals for over 35 years, she taught me compassion, to work hard and that love conquers all. My Dad was a business consultant and loved nature, he taught me to hunt for wild orchids on the South Downs and respect nature. The business lessons he shared with me of how to budget, be responsible with money and strategic thinking have been invaluable as I volunteer with charities, schools and also in my own business. I aim to use my background in business, arts and social justice to serve my local community."